There are five categories of dress code that are loosely followed, and we do mean loosely :^)
2econd Friday Dress Code Guide
2econd Friday dress code is primarily determined by the place the “chowing down” will be taking place. If you happen to find yourself as a 2econd Friday Special Guest, please feel free to peruse this guide, to assist you in your clothing choices. Special Guests will be given at least 72 hours' notice, confirming what dress code will be operational. If you're looking for that "something special" item of clothing, for attending 2econd Friday, or any other such fancy do, look no further than Formal

This is the least-seen of the codes of dress. It was first seen at the oh-so-swanky Joel Robuchon at MGM Grand. They stated their dress code was thus. It has also been the suggested attire at 2econd Friday awards evenings. For Peter, Business Formal means only one thing – His Suit, and a chance for others to play Olympic Tie Snap.
The term “His Suit” comes from an hilarious book called “The Husband”, which is one of the Ladybird “How It Works” series.
Fashion Forward

Zoe suggested the title for this one. It seems like a pretty swanky term, so let’s go with it. For 2econd Friday, it really just means no trainers. I was dressed in what would certainly be acceptable as Fashion Forward, one Friday afternoon in London.
I’d just been for a massage at Chris “Wilson” Masseur, in Angel, and was walking down to King’s Cross. I was taking the back streets down Pentonville Road sort of way. I think it was Rodney Street I was crossing, when two gents were crossing the road about the same time.
“Oh, and the red loafers just top it off.” one of them said, with quite a strong London twang. “scuse me, mate. scuse me. I don’t mean to be rude, or anyfing, but what were you finkin when you bought them?”
“Well, I must admit, I wasn’t really doing much thinking, as my wife did most of the thinking, in regard to the purchase” I responded, but with little impact.
“Mate, when I’m buying a pair of shoes, I’m finkin, right then, what could I drop these with, you know what I mean? But those, jeez, I don’t know what you were finkin.”
“Yes, fair enough, sir.”
“’ere, mate,” he began his parting shot, pointing down at his pair of Adidas Sambas, “no place like ome, no place like ome.”
And off we went; he in his Adidas Sambas, me in my red loafers.
Resort Casual

Resort Casual may mean different things to different people. To 2econd Friday, it’s just whatever you want to wear. Husband Downie may well opt for a t-shirt, jeans, and trainers for this code of dress.
The Ill-Advised

A James Kerr Hi-Fi sweatshirt from the 1990s, combined with a pair of House Trousers tucked into socks, adorned with London Underground slippers would be an ill-advised choice of clothing, for any 2econd Friday dress code.
Fitness First

Who on earth was in charge of this photo; what an utter nonsense.
Anyway, if you like running, you'll perhaps love running on The Strip. Get out at a reasonable hour, and you'll see The Strip when it's owned by runners, and late-night revelers and homeless. "Run, Forrest, run." may be heard, and perhaps a slightly more creative heckle, if you're lucky. Remember, Seb Coe didn't become the only man in history to defend the Olympic 1500m title by wearing long shorts.