For only the second time in 2econd Friday history, we were “off-site” for the activity.  And for the second time, this found us at Core Contemporary.

It was the opening reception of the “My Two Cents” exhibition.  Hooray, Zoe had a piece in the exhibition.  One of the attendees at the reception was 2econd Friday Special Guest.  It was none other than Richard Hooker.  He went off to get on his glad-rags, and we met back up with him at Binion’s Steakhouse. 

 It was great to spend time with Richard.  And, thanks to Richard, there was a bit of a 2econd Friday revelation.  Is that what it would be?  Maybe.  Will this revelation bring about the revolution which is surely required for Jim Murren to be inviting us to The Mansion.

The food was fantastic at Binion’s.  Jeffrey our waiter was a great laugh.  After dinner, Zoe and I popped in for a wee drink at Benny’s Smokin’ BBQ & Brews.

 The original Hotel Apache opened in 1932.  Bing Crosby was riding high in the hit parade, that year.  I’m going to select a tune from the year of the current opening, though.  Right then, 2019, let me have a look, and listen.

Actually, I’ve just gone right ahead and broken my own music-from-opening-year rule.  With the mention of revelation, and revolution, I’m going to pick something from 1990.  Ooh, I’m such a rebel, aren’t I.

 Opening Date: July 29th, 2019

 Tune: “My October Symphony” by Pet Shop Boys

 Dress Code: Fashion Forward