Did you ever see a film called The Queen of Versailles?  One morning in 2012, Tommy Cheddar came round, and suggested we go to the cinema.  We saw that film.  Elara, or PH Towers Westgate, as it was known at the time, was featured in the film. 

David Siegel (the boss of Westgate), and his wife, Jackie, were the main characters in the film.  At one point, Jackie is at the desk of a car rental company.  She gets the paperwork signed, and stands waiting.  After a while, she asks what the name of her driver is.

Westgate struggled in the Great Recession, and now the tower is owned by Hilton Grand Vacations.

Just like Nobu, from the previous episode, Elara was not on the List, until very recently.  Zoe’s friend Debbie had asked if we would take her 4-night stay, in her timeshare, as she wasn’t able to make it over.  Yes, we could.  And it helped us get to 62 Episodes for Season 1, making it 60 different Las Vegas resorts we’ll have stayed at, whoop, whoop.

Elara was very nice indeed.  We were checked in by a gent called Scott.  Scott had been in Las Vegas for about 20 years, he was quite taken by my Sahara t-shirt.  He’d worked at Sahara for about 10 years, and then Hilton for the other ten.  Oof, they must surely be two good employers.

Special Guests, Ian and Wendy, seemed to agree on how nice a piano in a lounge situation is.  Wendy gave some great pondering on the upcoming Awards Season, regarding Best Room with a View, and Best Drinks Experience.

Following on from the previous episode, the episode's tune moves to the next track on the album.

Opening Date: 18th of Deceber, 2009

Tune: "U.F.Orb" by The Orb

Dress Code: Resort Casual